
The Sign Of Jonah

For long this description of the dramatic experiences of the PROPHET JONAH ……in what is described as
“And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights'( Jonah 1:17)…….has been scoffed at as perhaps a fairytale,………or maybe something symbolic ……..but CERTAINLY NOT a real actual incident !( Many reasons are provided as to how Jonah could not survive and stay ALIVE if this were taken as literal and real !! )If you are one of those who has not been able to take this incident of Jonah seriously and understand it ………then HERE is a treatise that could be eye opening !Read SLOWLY ……and carefully ,and examine the thoughts and scriptural and other evidence presented !

It is important to note that this book belongs to the website that is mentioned, and it is being shared solely for the purpose of only Bible study.


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