During Jesus’ last week he passed through a series of events that must have been a roller coaster ride of emotional ups and downs, highs and lows. In one week’s time he went from exaltation to crucifixion; from shouts of hosannas to shouts of “crucify him;” from being hailed to being jeered; from being rallied around to being abandoned; from being anointed in loving sympathy, to being betrayed with kisses; from being a teacher in the temple, to being interrogated by the Sanhedrin; from casting the thieves out of the temple precincts to being crucified between two thieves; from the quiet of Gethsemane’s shade to the hysteria of the frenzied mob at the Pavement; from the sweet fellowship of Simon the Leper’s home to the brutal mockings and physical abuse by vicious guards; from the solemnity of the Lord’s supper to the ignominy of the cruel mockings upon the cross; from being comforted of God by an angel, to being forsaken by God at the end.