
A Memorial Vesper

During Jesus’ last week he passed through a series of events that must have been a roller coaster ride of emotional ups and downs, highs and lows. In one week’s time he went from exaltation to crucifixion; from shouts of hosannas to shouts of “crucify him;” from being hailed to being jeered; from being rallied around to being abandoned; from being anointed in loving sympathy, to being betrayed with kisses; from being a teacher in the temple, to being interrogated by the Sanhedrin; from casting the thieves out of the temple precincts to being crucified between two thieves; from the quiet of Gethsemane’s shade to the hysteria of the frenzied mob at the Pavement; from the sweet fellowship of Simon the Leper’s home to the brutal mockings and physical abuse by vicious guards; from the solemnity of the Lord’s supper to the ignominy of the cruel mockings upon the cross; from being comforted of God by an angel, to being forsaken by God at the end.

Bible Students Publication

It is important to note that this book belongs to the website that is mentioned, and it is being shared solely for the purpose of only Bible study.


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