
Job! Ah! What A Book

If there ever was a book that has been very interesting ……and even intriguing to understand, it has been this BOOK OF JOB in the sacred scriptures !
Job and his experiences described in the book has been a topic of many STUDIES and presentations over the years.This presentation does NOT claim to be a comprehensive ……”verse by verse” …. description of the book of JOB ,….but rather more importantly attempts to give a OVERVIEW of the book,… it was written ……..who wrote it ……. how to understand it…….what it represents…….and what was it’s REAL purpose . ( There are many more wonderful ….and awesome details of this book provided that will leave the reader amazed ! ) In fact we are persuaded to believe that when you complete your meditations on this presentation ……you too will exclaim ….as the TITLE of this presentation reads…

It is important to note that this book belongs to the website that is mentioned, and it is being shared solely for the purpose of only Bible study.


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